Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So Lonely

Click here to view video!

In the production of this video Alissa and I brainstormed ideas and decided to make a documentary style film. We decided to interview random students at Hunter College on their experiences at the school. We asked questions about their most awkward moments and what they think could improve about the school. It took us a couple of days to find people to actually participate in the documentary, many were too shy to speak and some did not feel that Hunter College is kind of anti social. We were able to find a good amount of interviewees. In the process of recording we forgot an important step to signal when to start recording the film and sound but in the editing process we were able to work it out.
There were a few things we could have done differently, such as location, because a few of our interviews' sound were not as great as we thought they'd be. We should have recorded in a quieter setting. We recorded shots of popular high traffic locations in the school as well, and used voice over for those scenes. We took the audio from the visual shots we could not use and placed it over these scenes. I found music that fit the topic of our video as well, I used music that was up to date and current because of the age range of the students, these are songs that are universally popular. I found this project to be a good learning experience not only in film production but working in a group and collaborating ideas. Although it was challenging because this was my first film production project like this, I am glad I completed it and learned many new skills I can improve and use later in life.